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Article number: Article number: kb-63
Q. How do I use File Manager?

A. Go to your cPanel at Click on Access Menu. Then click on File Manager. File Manager will open up into a new browser window. You will find that the screen is divided into three sections. The left section will show you your directories and files. The upper right hand section is your action frame. The lower right hand section is your trash folder. Within each directory, you will see links to create a new file, create new folder, or upload files. These actions pertain specifically to the directory that you are currently in. You will also see a column of numbers to the right of each folder and file. The far right column are the current permission settings for that specific folder or file. The column to the left of the permissions is the actual size of that file or folder. When you click on the graphic next to the text link for a folder in your Control Panel, it will open that folder and display the files and folders within that directory.

When you click on the actual text link for a folder or file, actions for that directory or file are displayed in the upper right hand corner of your screen. If you locate your public_html folder and click on the text link for it, you will see the actions for the folder appear in the upper right hand corner of your screen. The actions are pretty self-explanatory, so we'll forgo explaining what
each does. However, if you locate a file rather than a folder within your directory listing and click on the text link of a file, you will see that the action screen will change to the specific actions pertaining to actual files and you will notice that the actions that you can perform for files are quite different from those of a folder.

By clicking on Show File, a new window will open and show you what the file actually looks like in your browser. By clicking on Edit File, you will be taken to a window where you can actually edit the html code within the file itself and save the changes. You can also change the permissions for the file, copy, move, delete, or rename.

Remember, DO NOT DELETE OR RENAME any files that the system creates. Also remember, any files that you want to be visible online must be placed within your public_html folder.
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